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Year: 2022

Do you need a lawyer for mediation?

Do you need a lawyer for a mediation? The fact that you are reading our answer to this question suggests that you are thinking about resolving your family law issues amicably and through discussion. We commend you for this. Unlike a lawyer, a mediator won’t tell you whether the deal you are making is in […]
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Am I a victim of family violence?

Family violence affects many people and can happen in several ways; some may not even be considered as legally criminal. The Law Council of Australia has recently released a model which tries to easily define the types of violent acts that will constitute as “family violence” as well as extending who may be classified as […]
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Who gets the pet in a divorce?

Who gets the pet in a divorce? There is no question that for animal lovers (this writer included) pets have become an integral part of the family. We are seeing more and more clients who want to know what will happen to the family pet after divorce. What does the law say? There is no […]
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Do you need proof of cheating for divorce?

Finding out about a spouse’s infidelity can be devastating and often marriage-ending. Do you need proof of cheating for divorce? No. Since 1975, divorces in Australia have been granted on a ‘no fault’ basis. This means that the party making the application does not need to prove ‘fault’ on the part of the other party. Under the no fault […]
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